Age or significant weight loss can lead to a loss of elasticity in the neck area. The result is a lack of muscle tone, the presence of jowls or a double chin, as well as flabby skin in the neck region.
A neck lift redefines the jaw, chin and neck by firming the neck muscles and removing excess skin so that the neck’s smooth, youthful appearance is restored.
Several different surgical techniques can be used to correct flabby skin, loss of muscle tone and excess fat. For the latter, liposuction can be performed, or an injection of Belkyra, a new product that melts away fat, can be given. During your consultation, Dr. Bergeron will recommend the technique that best suits your needs and expectations.


“Note: These photos are published for information purposes only in order to provide information on the nature of the intervention. In no way should they be considered a guarantee of results.”
The surgery, which takes about 3 hours, is usually performed under general anaesthesia. The incisions are hidden around the ears and under the chin. The layers of neck skin, fat and muscle are sculpted and lifted to smooth the cervical contours and reduce wrinkles. The incisions are closed with absorbable sutures (note that scars are usually quite inconspicuous).
Some procedures for men can be done under local anaesthesia.
A neck lift can be performed in conjunction with other interventions, such as a face lift or Belkyra injections to eliminate neck fat.
- Bruises and swelling around the ears, neck and jaw may last a few days. To reduce the swelling, it will be recommended to apply ice for 20-minute periods and to keep the head elevated at a 30º angle at all times for 2 weeks (it will be necessary to sleep in a semi-upright position).
- A postoperative appointment will take place 5 to 10 days after the surgery.
- You can return to work 1 week after the surgery (2 weeks for people working with the public).
- Wait 3 weeks before engaging in cardiovascular activities, 4 weeks for sports activities and 6 weeks for contact sports.