This is a rather common disorder consisting of an abnormality of the nipple, which is pulled towards the inside of the breast. The intervention to correct this is simple and effective.

However, as it can sometimes permanently damage the milk ducts (which allow breast milk to flow through the nipple), it is important to discuss your pregnancy and breastfeeding plans with Dr. Bergeron before undertaking this procedure.

 “Note: These photos are published for information purposes only in order to provide information on the nature of the intervention. In no way should they be considered a guarantee of results.”



The intervention takes approximately 60 minutes and is performed under local anaesthesia. The incision is made around the nipple and is therefore very unnoticeable. Dissolving sutures are used to close it.



  • After the surgery, it is rather common to lose sensitivity for several months, or even a year. In rare cases, the nipple’s sensitivity never returns.
  • You may return to work 2 to 5 days after the procedure.
  • You will be advised to apply ice to help reduce swelling.

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